Membership Renewal Time

It is time to renew your annual OYC membership which will be active from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. Membership dues have remained the same as last year. The racing fee and PHRF certificate have both increased by $5.00.

2020 is lining up to be another active year at the OYC. In addition to a lively roster of regattas (sneak peek below) and year-round activities, the club’s executive committee is working to improve and safeguard the club’s current site and operations with the City of Oswego as the latter advances plans to develop the international pier upon which the club is situated. We encourage all club members to attend the club’s executive committee meetings on the second Tuesday of each month for updates on this matter, as well as other club topics.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please open, print and complete the renewal form attached to this post. The form must be completed in full even if your information remains the same, and be returned to the OYC by March 31 to avoid interruption of club privileges, and the imposition of a late fee of $20.00 if submitted after April 30. Please either mail the completed form with payment to the OYC, or leave in the treasurer’s mailbox located on the kitchen door at the club.

Application forms for 2020-2021 are also available at the club.

With much gratitude to Past Commodore Dan Mather, I very much look forward to taking up the lines and serving as your commodore through the next two seasons.

With best regards,
Phil McBrearty, Commodore

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